Camping is an exciting vacation adventure idea for people who like nature and want to save money and it is also one of the most rewarding outdoor recreation activities around. It is so exciting and rewarding to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Another coolest things about camping is that nearly everything’s a DIY project. The DIY projects can bring a bit of convenience in your camping zone and save you much money for the camping plan. There are many, many things that you can do to prepare for your camping trip and make that trip an absolute blast.
Today, in this post, we have rounded up tons of DIY camping projects for your reference and inspiration. These creative DIY projects include DIY hand washing station, homemade cooler, mini oil lamps or candles, mini first-aid kit, mini picnic table, homemade bug repellant and many other. These creative DIY ideas and tricks will guarantee you’ll be enjoying while you are back to nature.
Make a Campfire at Home

Make a simple small slate fire at home for s’mores. Cute for wedding or party! See the tutorial
DIY Wood Stove Made From Tire Rims

DIY Camp Mug Candle

DIY Mini First-aid Kit Using a Prescription Bottle

DIY Camp Roasting Sticks

The Solar Oven

Picnic Blanket Game Board

DIY Dopp Kit

Repurposed TicTac Boxes for Travel Spices

Toilet Paper Holder

Creative way to Hang Your Pots and Pans

Easy Outdoor Candle Stakes

DIY Tin Can Grill

Tin Can Outdoor Lanterns

DIY Modern Cooler

Baby Food Container Matchbox With Glued Sandpaper

DIY Camping Tent

DIY Green Eco Friendly Single-use Soap Leaves

DIY Hand Washing Station

See the instructions
Homemade Hammock

Homemade Bug Repellant

DIY Flannel Napkins

DIY Soap Pouch

What a clever packing tip will change the way you travel forever. You would not drop the soap and use let of it while exfoliating! Instructions and source
Brilliant Camp Kitchen Organizer

DIY Mini Picnic Tables

Pocket-Size Oil Lamp

Get the instructions
DIY Thermos Lamp

See the instructions
DIY Summer Camp PVC Chair

DIY Fabric Koozies

Make an Emergency Toilet

NOT exciting to think about, but genius idea! See the tutorial
Make a Self Feeding Fire That Lasts for over 14 Hours

Learn how Bob Hansler build a self-feeding fire that can burn for over 14 hours with a brilliant way. See the tutorial