How to store your shoes properly? If you are tired of mountains of sneakers, loafers and boots in your house, please take a look at today’s post of some great shoe storage solutions and ideas. They will help you store your shoes properly and save place in your closet.
The main purpose of shoes storage is to prolong the life of your shoes, save your storage space, and make finding them a breeze. Shoes need to be protected from dust, water, and sunshine so they won’t get moldy, discolored or misshapen. Clean and dry your out-of-season shoes and sort them by season and kind. Then keep them in shoe cabinet or in clear boxes to visually identify its contents. Make sure they are stored in a dark and temperature-controlled storage space. For the shoes you’re wearing every day, free-standing shelves or clever shoe racks are smart ways to keep them organized and beautiful stages to show them off.
Learn how to store your shoes with these cleverest shoe storage solutions and ideas. Put some of these creative ideas into practice and you’ll be surprised how helpful they are! Get start now.
Revolving Shoe Rack
Under Bed Shoe Storage

36 Pair Over-the-door Shoe Rack
Bench with Storage for Shoes

Hi Laura,
Thank you writing about our shoe rack. I also love the other ideas… We know how hard it is to keep our shoes organize !