Looking for some easy and useful craft ideas to do at home? How about making something fun and creative with versatile PVC pipes? PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) pipe is a type of plastic pipework used for the conveyance of water, gas and chemicals. Since PVC pipes come in a variety of sizes and strengths, as well as having many advantages, it has been widely used in the construction world. But in recent years, DIY lovers has used PVC pipes more and more in many different ways for a number of other purposes as well.
There are more and more genius crafters showing us how to make useful things with PVC pipes, and you can find a ton on the web without a blow. Here we selected some of the best DIY PVC pipe projects ideas and tutorials for your inspiration. Take a look at these fun and creative DIY PVC pipe projects, and learn how the masters mix tubes and connectors to create a variety of things for your storage, furniture, and home decorations.
The Washi Tape holder
PVC Chicken Waterer

Simple Storage for Less
Festive Holiday Wreath with PVC Pipes