25+ Spooky & Festive DIY Halloween Light Ideas

Creative lights are great for Halloween decoration. They can make a Halloween scene scarier or a Halloween party more entertaining. With the right lighting, even an empty yard can look haunted and spooky.

Spooky & Festive DIY Halloween Light Ideas. Great ways to transform your home into a haunted and entertaining house!
halloween lights ideas

Check out these creative Halloween light ideas, which are perfect additions to any haunted house. From DIY ping pong ball ghost lights or spooky Halloween window to DIY packing tape ghost or DIY glowing skeleton hands, there are so many clever ways of using lights in your party or home decorations. They will surely help you to create a ghoulish ambience and transform your home into a haunted house.

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DIY Illuminated Pumpkin Arch

Awesome DIY fall jack o lantern arch made from PVC and foam pumpkins!
1 halloween lights ideas

Awesome fall jack-o-lantern arch made from PVC and foam pumpkins! Via halloweencrafts

DIY Light Brights Illuminate Jack-o-lantern with a Night Light Inside

DIY Light Brights Illuminate Jack o lantern with a Night Light Inside
2 halloween lights ideas

What a creative idea to carve pumpkins! Hollow out a pumpkin and drill holes through the flesh. Push Light Brites into each hole. And the result is fantastic! Tutorial via giverslog

Illuminated Ghost Garland

How cute the illuminated ghost garland is! And it is easy to make with the kids!
3 halloween lights ideas

How cute the illuminated ghost garland is! And it is easy to make with the kids! Tutorial via designdininganddiapers

Halloween String Lights

It's a simple but great way to use orange and purple LED mini lights to make your house even spookier at Halloween!
4 halloween lights ideas

It’s a simple but great way to use orange and purple LED mini lights to make your house even spookier at Halloween! Via homedit

DIY Spooky Door Greeter

Spooky Door Greeter. What a fun Halloween chicken wire ghost dressed in cheesecloth!
5 halloween lights ideas

What a fun Halloween chicken wire ghost dressed in cheesecloth! Use cheesecloth and chicken wire to make a spooky floating ghost. Add some glow sticks to the back and your guests will get a fright when they reach your porch. Via pinterest

DIY Harry Potter Floating Candles

DIY Harry Potter Floating Candles. Awesome tutorial on how to DIY this enchanted ceiling with floating candles!
6 halloween lights ideas

Awesome tutorial on how to DIY this enchanted ceiling with floating candles. The floating candles were made out of toilet role holders and flameless tea lights. And the enchanted ceiling was made using paint. Via harrypotterpartyideas

DIY Ping Pong Ball Ghost Lights

These DIY cute ping pong ball ghost lights are super simple and can be ready just in time for Halloween!
7 halloween lights ideas

These DIY cute ping pong ball ghost lights are super simple & can be ready just in time for Halloween! Tutorial via unoriginalmom

Creepy Pond Idea

What a creepy idea for Halloween decor! Latex gloves with glow sticks in your pond for Halloween!
8 halloween lights ideas

What a creepy idea for Halloween decor! Latex gloves with glow sticks in your pond for Halloween! Via flickr

DIY Packing Tape Ghost

DIY this awesome ghost with clear packing tape for your scary Halloween yard decoration. Easy to do and the result turns out fantastic!
9 halloween lights ideas

DIY this awesome ghost with clear packing tape for your scary Halloween yard decoration. Easy to do and the result turns out fantastic. Tutorial via craftygeeks

Light Up Fairy Garden Dress Tutorial

Light Up Fairy Garden Dress Tutorial.
10 halloween lights ideas

Check out the tutorial on how to make your light up fairy dress via adesignerlife

DIY Ping Pong Ball Halloween Tea Lights

DIY Ping Pong Ball Halloween Tea Lights.
11 halloween lights ideas

Make these super easy Halloween lights with just some ping pong balls, tea light candles & a sharpie. Tutorial via pagingfunmums

“Blacklight” Halloween Drink Idea

Blacklight Halloween Drink Idea.
12 halloween lights ideas

This easy, spooky drink is sure to be a great decoration at your Halloween party. What you need is tonic water and complex B. Tutorial via ladyfordsguidetoeverything

Spooky Halloween Window

Spooky Halloween Window
13 halloween lights ideas

This is super easy to duplicate. You only need to draw and cut out all the paper silhouettes, put up orange holiday lights and put up the window shade. Via homeseasons

DIY Glowing Stairs

DIY Glowing Stairs
14 halloween lights ideas

Mix powdered laundry detergent (containing phosphors) with a little water to start with. Then, splatter them on your doorstep and switch your porch lights to black light bulbs. Cool glowing steps! Tutorial via thekrazycouponlady

DIY Witch Mason Jars

DIY Witch Mason Jars
15 halloween lights ideas

Add a touch of DIY magic to your Halloween decor. Check out these easy witch mason jars tutorial via deadwoodcemetery

Halloween Bats in a Glass Cloche

Halloween Bats in a Glass Cloche
16 halloween lights ideas

Create a really neat and beautiful Halloween decoration with some basic supplies. Follow the easy tutorial from uncommondesignsonline

DIY Spider Lantern

DIY Spider Lantern
17 halloween lights ideas

Looking for a cool last minute Halloween decoration? You can create these DIY spider lanterns to light up your porch for trick-or-treaters. Tutorial via ladybehindthecurtain

DIY Glowing Skeleton Hands

DIY Glowing Skeleton Hands
18 halloween lights ideas

These easy glowing skeleton hands make a spooky addition to your outside yard when the lights are dimmed. Tutorial via tarynwilliford

Creative Glow in the Dark Dress

Creative Glow in the Dark Dress
19 halloween lights ideas

Glow in the dark fabric paint. Spray on the clothes to make them glow! Tutorial via hannahlokos

DIY Simple Garden Lights

DIY Simple Garden Lights
20 halloween lights ideas

These are easy to make and inexpensive. What you need are recycled jars, string, double- sided tape, tea lights and white fabric. And they are perfect for lighting up your Halloween or Christmas! Tutorial via blahblahmagazine

Halloween Garage Door Silhouette

Halloween Garage Door Silhouette
21 halloween lights ideas

Do this perfect cut outs and you can create an entire DIY haunted house. Tutorial via instructables

DIY Witches’ Magic Potion

DIY Witches’ Magic Potion
22 halloween lights ideas

This Halloween cauldron with purple fog potion & lights would make a spooky addition to the day . Get the receipe from today

DIY Spooky Bat Chandelier

DIY Spooky Bat Chandelier
23 halloween lights ideas

Your light fixture can be easily turned into a spooky bat chandelier with a quick DIY. Tutorial via adiamondinthestuff

DIY Spooky Moon with a Little Witch on a Broom for Halloween

DIY Spooky Moon with a Little Witch on a Broom for Halloween
24 halloween lights ideas

This spooky moon with a little witch on a broom is easy to do. And it’s also a great recycling project with an old plain light fixture from a home salvage or thrift shop. Tutorial via sadieseasongoods

DIY Boneyard Lantern Made with Mini Plastic Skulls Found at Michael’s

DIY Boneyard Lantern Made with Mini Plastic Skulls Found at Michael’s
1 25 halloween lights ideas

Tutorial via ohmy-creative

DIY Witches Hat Luminaries

DIY Witches Hat Luminaries
25 halloween lights ideas

Tutorial via eatcraftparent

Awesome Laser Halloween Decor

Awesome Laser Halloween Decor
26 halloween lights ideas

Super clever light project idea using laser. Laser is a compact, lightweight palm-sized red and green laser effect for halls, mobile DJs, party rooms, stages and more. Via 365daysofhalloween

DIY Halloween Masterpiece Made with One Pallet, One Red Light, Some Light Digging and a Pair of Hands

DIY Halloween Masterpiece Made with One Pallet, One Red Light, Some Light Digging and a Pair of Hands
1 26 halloween lights ideas

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  1. Fejerverkai gimtadieniui February 20, 2016

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