Great Tips & Ideas for Potty Training Success

When a child passes the age of 22 to 30 months and still in his or her diapers, some parents may worry about potty training for their kids. It should be understood that every child is unique and they develop and grow at different paces. So, never rush, go at your child’s pace and everything will fall in place with the correct training.

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When should you start introducing your child to potty?

You do not want to tie your child and hold him or her to a potty when she or he does not want to. Wait until your child is ready before beginning to teach him or her. Most parents begin training their children when they are between two years and two and a half. It’s also much easier to begin training potty during summer when there are no much clothing to be removed.

Getting Ready

As a parent, it is important you understand that potty is a totally new thing to your child. You don’t expect them to do it automatically by sitting on that thing like a robot, dropping it right in the middle and then wiping before getting back to play. In fact, sometimes your child may do a potty on her favorite toy and other unexpected things given the chance. Introduce your kids to potty gradually. Boys need to sit on the potty. Don’t expect them to learn doing potty while standing. Begin preparing them by talking to them much earlier to help them understand the difference between poo, wee, wet clothes, etc. Children also learn much easier by watching. If you got an older child then you are much luckier. Your child is ready to use potty when you realize that he or she just sat on potty for some moment and they loved the experience.

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Here are easy and creative potty training ideas that many parent never know:

Explain Why We Wipe

First, you need to understand that your toddler will be going to school very soon. You do not want his or her teachers wiping her, at least it is not okay. There are other reasons why you want to teach your child to do their own business; bums must stay clean and not stinky, stinky is not fun. Remind them to always clean their hands after wiping themselves, or they’ll get sick.

Demonstrate Correct Technique

You have to manually and literally teach your child and put him on the right track. Explain to them, step by step, everything they need to do to use a potty. These include how to cut and use tissue paper, the size of tissue he or she needs, how to flush, wipe and wash hands. You miss on this, and her or his teacher will begin complaining even before you know it.

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Convince antsy kids to stay put by letting them draw on the lid with a dry erase marker

Convince antsy kids to stay put by letting them draw on the lid with a dry erase marker.
1 potty training tips

How to use tissue paper

Your child will not know the size of tissue required and how she or he will do the wiping. Teach them and repeat this for almost a week and observe them do it. Of course, if they get a bigger tissue or seem to be wasteful, correct them.

Wipes or tissues

Before your child masters how to use toilet paper, most mothers recommend and use flushable wet wipes. Initially, the child will not be comfortable using tissues, so consider training them on use wipes before they get the hang of tissue papers. It is easier using wipes because they are moist.

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Make the process fun for motivating potty training success

Make the process fun for motivating potty training success.
2 potty training tips

Put blue food coloring in the water. When they pee it turns green.

Put a coffee filter in your kid’s potty to make cleanup easier

Put a coffee filter in your kid's potty to make cleanup easier.
3 potty training tips


Great boys potty training urinal that’s easy to empty and clean

Great boys potty training urinal that's easy to empty and clean.
4 potty training tips


This little adorable urinal is awesome. It includes a spinning yellow windmill that will attract your boys attention as he aims to keep it spinning.


Just like you train and award your child to do other things, praise and award your child every time they successfully follow the procedures.

Follow these potty training tips and have your child learn to help themselves faster and effectively.

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