25 Easy and Creative Kitchen Life Hacks

Many people would love to try new handy tricks to make cooking easier and strive to improve the efficiency and frugality in the kitchen. Today we are sharing tons of amazingly easy and creative kitchen hacks and shortcuts, which will help you become more creative and efficient in the kitchen. From cutting cheese with floss, to soften brown sugar with Marshmallows, these kitchen hacks have you covered. If you are ready to take your cooking skills to the next level, take time to read on these kitchen hacks and learn some valuable tips and you will love it to save your time, money and wits in future.

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Easy and Creative Kitchen Life Hacks!
kitchen life hacks

How to Cook Bacon Perfectly Every Time

How to Cook Bacon Perfectly Every Time.
1 kitchen life hacks

This is a simple kitchen hack that allows you to cook bacon perfectly every time. Check out the details via lets lasso the moon.

Store Ice Cream In A Bag So That Your Ice Cream Won’t Rock Hard

Store Ice Cream In A Bag So That Your Ice Cream Won't Rock Hard.
26 kitchen life hacks

via listotic.

Makeshift Funnel

Makeshift Funnel.
2 kitchen life hacks

Simply snip a hole in one of the sealed corners of an envelope for dried goods. Simple and genius kitche hacks! Via simple bites.

How to Peel an Egg in Less Than 5 Seconds with a Glass Jar

How to Peel an Egg in Less Than 5 Seconds with a Glass Jar.
3 kitchen life hacks

Peel an egg with a glass jar! Check out for the video tutorial via athrifty mom.

Lemon & Lime Ice Cubes

Lemon & Lime Ice Cubes.
4 kitchen life hacks

Freeze fresh herbs in olive oil, then freeze them for a quick, delicious addition to sauces and pastas. Use a cupcake tin to make fruit-filled ice cubes, then add them to pitchers of water or sangria at your spring and summer parties. Tutorial via industrious justice.

Slice Cake Perfectly with a Hot Knife

Slice Cake Perfectly with a Hot Knife.
5 kitchen life hacks

Use a hot knife to slice cake perfectly. Run your knife underneath the hot water before cutting your cake. It will make sure every slice looks as amazing as it tastes. Via cosmopolitan.

Open Jars Instantly with a Bottle Opener

Open Jars Instantly with a Bottle Opener.
6 kitchen life hacks

Use a Potato Peeler to Get a Thin Slice of Onion

Use a Potato Peeler to Get a Thin Slice of Onion.
7 kitchen life hacks

Details via she budgets.

Ripen Bananas with Oven Quickly

Ripen Bananas Quickly.
8 kitchen life hacks

Ripe bananas are just right for making banana bread or any other recipe . This is a trick that will have bananas ripe in less than an hour. Details via clean green simple.

How to Keep Lemons Fresh Longer

How to Keep Lemons Fresh Longer.
9 kitchen life hacks

Here is a secret to keeping lemons and limes fresh for UP TO A MONTH! Directions via the happier home maker.

Genius Kitchen Tool: Dental Floss

Genius Kitchen Tool: Dental Floss.
10 kitchen life hacks

Cut delicate cheese with ease, unscented dental floss. Every slice looks as amazing as it tastes. Get more details via the kitchn.

Peel An Orange Like a Genius

Peel An Orange Like a Genius.
11 kitchen life hacks

With a few clever cuts of a knife, you can peel an orange and eat it without juice dripping all over your hands. So fun to have a try for kids! Tutorial via jewel pie.

Lace Stenciled Cupcakes

Lace Stenciled Cupcakes.
12 kitchen life hacks

Take a piece of lace and place it on top of your cake. Sprinkle confectioner’s sugar it. Lift the lace off gently. For more about this backing hack via sweet-verbena.

Preserving Fresh Herbs in Olive Oil

Preserving Fresh Herbs in Olive Oil.
13 kitchen life hacks

Get fresh herbs frozen in olive oil. This is the perfect way to preserve herbs for your needs in future. More directions via the hungry mouse.

Insane Watermelon Skinning Trick

Insane Watermelon Skinning Trick.
14 kitchen life hacks

Kitchen Hack for Easy Measuring Sticky Stuff

Kitchen Hack for Easy Measuring Sticky Stuff.
15 kitchen life hacks

When measuring some sticky stuffs like honey, molasses or peanut butter, coat your measuring cups with a non-stick spray so that it slides right out easily. Via our best bites.

Opening Jars Easily

Opening Jars Easily.
16 kitchen life hacks

Another time saving way to open jars with ease. Put on a rubber kitchen glove, or place a thick rubber band around the lid. Via instructables.

Marshmallow as Brown Sugar Softener

Marshmallow as Brown Sugar Softener.
17 kitchen life hacks

Toss a couple of marshmallows in the bag to keep the sweet stuff from clumping. Get more details via real simple.

Kitchen Hack for a Golden Egg

Kitchen Hack for a Golden Egg.
18 kitchen life hacks

Shake Your Egg Violently for 2-3 Minutes before boiling. Then ypu can get a Golden Egg. Tutorial via uustuus.blogspot.

Reuse Cheese Wrappers for Storage

Reuse Cheese Wrappers for Storage.
19 kitchen life hacks

Reuse cheese wrappers to store the remaining cheese. Your cheese will never dried out in this perserving way. Via jenandjoeygogreen.

Make Your Own Baked Taco Shells

Make Your Own Baked Taco Shells.
20 kitchen life hacks

Make taco shells perfectly at home with tortillas and the Oven Rack. Follow the full tutorial via eating well.

How To Peel Garlic with Ease

21 kitchen life hacks
21 kitchen life hacks

Simply smash, shake, and separate! You can peel an entire head of garlic in less than 30 seconds. Very useful hacks in your kitchen! Check out the detailed hacks via the pin junkie.

How to Tell If an Avocado is Too Ripe

How to Tell If an Avocado is Too Ripe.
22 kitchen life hacks

Sneakily pop off the stem and look at the color underneath. An avocado that is too ripe will be brown under the stem, which is useless and the just right one will be green underneath the stem. Details via nwedible.

Spoon Your Ginger

Spoon Your Ginger.
23 kitchen life hacks

You will have a beautiful piece of peeled ginger and almost zero waste just with a spoon. Ideas via Chica and Jo.

Hide Garlic and Onions in Holey Paper Bags

Hide Garlic and Onions in Holey Paper Bags.
24 kitchen life hacks

Garlic and onions are easily rotten, moldy, or sprouting. But if you storing them in holey paper bags, they can stay fresh for at least two months without molding. More details and tutorial via the yummy life.

Avoid Limp Lettuce with Paper Towel

Avoid Limp Lettuce with Paper Towel.
25 kitchen life hacks

Simply place a single paper towel on top of lettuce in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Replace the paper towel every couple of days. Your greens should be good for at least a week! Get the tutorial via get health yu.
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