The layers of peeling paint, the worn edges, the scratches and scuffs from years of use — all these things make an old door unattractive to some and can no longer be used. What can you do with it? Instead of just lying it around in your basement and backyard or throwing it away, you can repurpose it as unusual and stylish wall decor for home or make a new and creative furniture for home decoration.
Here are some creative, interesting, practical and amazing repurposing ideas for old door ranging from making a coffee table to how to build a bookcase using an old door. All of these creative repurposing ideas must give you much more inspiration and help you to decide how to reuse the old door in this post. Use your creativity and try one of them, customize your old door with your own ideas and re-purpose your vintage doors for all sorts of functional uses. Give your old door a new life, and showcase your artwork to your friends.
Low Budget High Impact Old Door Repurpose
Vintage Door Bench

Magnetic Chalkboard
Old Door Privacy Screen